It was my habbit to do such things I will show you. :D Believe me it's not good for yourself. So, do not try this on your day. Now I try to recover from this disorder. hehe. Fightingg!!! f(^_^)
So, maybe I will rarely reply these addicitive activities in my future, I hope so:). Beware of these activities, coz it may cause the increasing of lazyness and turning your productivity in the work place or class decreased doen to the lowest point,,,:). check it out:

1. Hug and bring this kind of thing everywhere. :P

2. Overestimate of something, for example, expect an accompanion to come to your graduation ceremony next year

3. Exploit this kind of thing :D

4. Daydream in a queque line :)

5. Force yourself to buy and eat certain kind of food for a weird reasons

6. Draw while your head of department lead a meeting. :)
Let's try,,,,I will try. ;). Bismillah,,,
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