The highest thank is sent to Allah SWT, My Lord, The Most Gracious and Merciful, Who always gives me the undenied favors and empowering me in the whole of my live until I can stand in the position where I am now and in the future where I always expect to be better.
I also sincerely grateful to my main advisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pawinee Chaiprasert, for her continuously guidance and endorsement since my very first time until I get the meaningful knowledge for my educational and social life. I am gratefully thank to Dr. Benjaphon Suraraksa, my co-advisor who always indeedly supports me every time when I was down and come with some new ideas to overcome my problems. I also sincerely thank to Mr. Warin Rukruem who always raises my self confidence with his own way and professionally helps me to eliminate my study obstacles so I can accomplished my research within time.
My deep appreciations are also delivered to Dr. Annop Nopharatana, Assist. Prof. Dr. Sasidorn Buddhawong and Dr. Bundit Fungsin, my thesis committees, who contributing the constructive ideas and suggestions to make my work perfect.

I also would like to acknowledge the financial support of my scholarship to study in Thailand, Beasiswa Unggulan and Brawijaya University. The grateful is also extended to ECoWaste for financial and facility supports of this research. I would also like to thanks to all of Lab members and researchers, for the advise, kind motivation, and responsive support during the study.
Special thanks are also expressed to Mr. Pratin Kullavanijaya to whom I indebted a lot of things and also to my Lab-mate, Yusron Sugiarto, Ampu M. Resmanto, Nasrul Hudayah, Rodgamol Smutpech, Meetene Laokor, Suchada, Eaknarin Aryavongvivat, P’Jum, P’Phrew, P’Oo, Wassana, and Saowaluk for always putting the smile in my face. I would also thanks to the friend of mine in Double Degree Program of Brawijaya University (academic study of 2008/2009) and PERMITHA, Indonesian student association in Thailand, who always be my companion during my study in Thailand.
Finally, I would like to expressed my thanks to my family, my mother, my father, my sister, my brothers, and my friends for their endless love, supports and sacrifices for me. They always give me the extra air to breathe.
wih ini kayak tulisan di halaman depan Tugas Akhir / thesis,
klo ga salah sih semacam 'halaman persembahan' atau sejenis itu ^_^
hooh, pak pipin. ki haLaman peRsembahanku,,, ^^
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