Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dd’ers gone wiLd

Talang agung, Juni 4 th 2009

DD’eRs became wiLd. AfteR got the scientific wRiting Last cLass, we decided to go to Talang Agung as sudden. We escaped from Mrs Juli’s pRe-depaRtuRe cLass. And Left the thRee musceteeRs of biosensoReR aLone. He.. That was why i decided to wRite this post in EngLish.. To minimize my guiLty to did such a cRiminaL thing,, cLass escaping.

This is my second time came in Talang Agung. The Location is in Kepanjen. It is 18 km before Kawi Mountain. When you Reach the fiRst cRossRoad after Talang Agung bus station, just take Left diRection. It is just about ¾ km to go. Talang Agung is fishing spot. It Locate in the midLLe coRn, sugar cane and paddy of faRm fieLd. The reason why you shouLd go theRe because its serenity. It is almost quiet when there was no Riska’s scReam when she succeded to catch the fish.. ^_^

We (actuaLLy some of us) did fishing activity. First, they should rent the fishing stick and umm,, what you caLL ‘umpan’ in engLish? It is 3000 rupiahs. Cheap foR the effects it may give. Then just choose the pond you Like. There weRe about six ponds oR moRe,, i actuaLLy forget it. They were fishing whiLe some of us just buy the moRe reaListic fish foR ouR Lunch,, ^_^ . we just afRaid when ouR fisheRman didn’t get any fish at aLL. Bisa beRabe,,we decided to bought a kg of guRame (=Rp 28.000,00/kg) and mujaeR (=Rp 17.000,00/kg). So, we bought a kiLogRam each for ouR 15 membeRs team. We oRdeR baked cooking of ouR guRame, and deep Fried foR our MujaiR..

And finaLLy ouR fisheRman got theiR fish. Mas ampu, mamo, ida, meme, Riska, mas jay, mas yus, and the sLow but suRe didin,, he was so sLow to get the fish, but once he got, he ReaLLy got the big one (=0,9 kgs guRame,,!). We actuaLLy couLd buy the fish or not, but we decided to buy aLL of the fish we got and cooked it foR Lunch...!! yee,,

We aLmost had ouR Lunch when suddenLy i do the embaRasing thing. I was so caReLess (as usuaL) when i aLso want to tRy to do fishing. I got my Leg drawn in the pond maRgin. Wooops,, and i became so panic,, because i can found meme’s sandaLs which i boRRowed. I was so Lucky because theRe onLy a few peopLe knowing the accident. It was because i was so caLm and quiet,,, cieee,, but theRe was no body heLp me. Mamo just said “ wheRe is mbak mayang’s legs? It weRe dissapear,,” with ngikik of couRse,,gLadhaag,,,! fortunateLy, theRe weRe mas-mas who veRy kind foR heLping me to come out of that difficuLt situation. And he also couLd find my sandaLs.. so, i wash my Leg and you know what weRe meme doing that time,,,,? She was taking a photogRaph of me,, with heR big smiLe,,what a cRiminaL giRL,,

And finaLLy we had ouR Lunch.. meme auL and woeLan stiLL on theiR fasting,, but we keep on ouR eating,, ^_^. We onLy get enjoy moment,, we can feel ouR togetheRness,, Laughing,, eating,, chatting,, aLL of us. I aLso know that eveRybody must be have a ceRtain time which they ReaLLy couLd get theiR happiness. It is the fiRst time i know mas jay escape his class at akademi faRmasi by said to his cLass that he do a visitation on kepanjen! It also the fiRst time i know didin get Late to do pray because he is so enjoy the fishing,, wuLan and meme stiLL do theiR fast and diet how we distuRb them though,, ida and Riska enjoy theiR taking pictuRe so much. Mbak dhita, Ria and endRika so quiet and Relax,,, mas ampu enjoy his quiet fishing,, mamo and meme stiLL cRazy,, and iRma,, wheRe’is iRma? I couLd not she heR! It was because she was not join this wiLd thing,, she shouLd accompany heR boy at that time,, but anyway,, we have so much having fun,, out of ouR assigment and RuLes,, we couLd be ouRseLves,, and it is betteR to aLways be Like that eveRytime,,isn’t it? So, enjoy ouR rest togetheR time befoRe we shouLd waLk on ouR on path guys,, Love you aLL,, (˅;_;˅)


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