go down town tonight
buy some bowls of hot meatball or hot cwie mie
add a spoonful of chili
enjoy it
ride your motorcycle away
go somewhere
sing and shout aloud
find yourseLf
paRt of youRs caLLed souL
do not need to shy
oR feeL doubt
just laugh
end youR jouRney at a shabby cLoth..
caLLed sajadah
in the coRneR of town
with no body
just youRself
it aLL stupidity may abLe to make you found
the nessesaRy foR otheR stupidity in ouR Live
dedicated to :jo
f (^O^)
buy some bowls of hot meatball or hot cwie mie
add a spoonful of chili
enjoy it
ride your motorcycle away
go somewhere
sing and shout aloud
find yourseLf
paRt of youRs caLLed souL
do not need to shy
oR feeL doubt
just laugh
end youR jouRney at a shabby cLoth..
caLLed sajadah
in the coRneR of town
with no body
just youRself
it aLL stupidity may abLe to make you found
the nessesaRy foR otheR stupidity in ouR Live
dedicated to :jo
f (^O^)
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